Ink & Penwipers

Scribbles, screeds, speculations, and the occasional reference to Schrodinger's cat.

20 June 2003

A Little Note on Buffy

Kathy asked if my portrayal of Buffy in my fic indicates that I don't like her much.

On the contrary, I like Buffy a lot -- but I'm thinking there's just no way she's going to be favorably disposed toward Elisabeth, especially if she's (gasp) flirting with Giles. In addition, she's rather strung out at this point in the timeline, and I can't see her having too much patience with this whole escapade.

I'm mostly drawing on Buffy's attitude and responses during the S4 ep "Living Conditions." Buffy's getting more and more convinced that Elisabeth's dissembling about her presence in this dimension (which, of course, she is -- about her knowledge of the future). Add to that the fact that everyone seems to accept Elisabeth whether or not they actively like her, and voila! the Buffy demonic radar is up and seeking. Buffy will redeem herself later in the fic, but things will get worse before they get better.

And anyway, I had to play with this whole big Mary Sue trope of Everyone Liking the OC, And The People Who Don't Being Bad People. Buffy's not bad, but she doesn't like Elisabeth, either. We'll see how this pans out.


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