Ink & Penwipers

Scribbles, screeds, speculations, and the occasional reference to Schrodinger's cat.

16 June 2003

Feeling a bit better now. I may have work tomorrow, and I have a little bit of money, and Order of the Phoenix is coming this weekend, and life is less of a howling wilderness than it was this ack emma. Have worked a little on Chapter 14, as well. To cheer Natasha up about her hair (though Quebec is a far better anodyne, and I congratulate her), I gave her some teasers about the new chapter, and my readers may be pleased to note that I have accomplished all but one of them so far:

-- Rogue Latin phrase, check.
-- The return of Xander, check.
-- Elisabeth throwing a grape at Giles, coming soon.

AND, J.S. Bach, John Lennon, and Paul McCartney all have cameos. Mine is an equal-opportunity music fic. Well, not really, but it is eclectic.

Plus, ta-da! may I announce the appearance of real, honest-to-goodness UST. Finally.

Oh! and one more thing: I have also worked in an Eddie Izzard reference. I could scarcely have kept him out, you know.


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