Ink & Penwipers

Scribbles, screeds, speculations, and the occasional reference to Schrodinger's cat.

19 August 2003

...and dare I ask what a female wedgie is?...

In the last few days, according to SiteMeter, Ink and Penwipers has been found through searches for Umbridge fanfic, Peter Wimsey slash fic, and female wedgies. I can't help thinking these folks went away awfully disappointed. On the other hand, I appear also to have a few new regular readers from various places. *waves* Welcome!

Today's post will be a mere rundown of business, as I am far too tired and depressed to devote a whole post to any of these things:

Episcopal notes: I am going to write a setting for the Hymn of Praise (the one that begins, "Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth. Lord God, Heavenly King," etc.). I'm warming up to Rite II, okay, but the settings my church is using for the Rite II canticles stink. It's that fake-adventurey-syncopated-fanfare stuff that could only have been written by the same people who in the WWII era drew plans for houses shaped like long cardboard boxes with random brick buttresses sticking out of them. The only thing I can think of that's worse for a Hymn of Praise is a 1970's TV soundtrack fluegelhorn sound. So I'm going to write a setting, and I'm going to sing it in my head to keep the other setting out.

Fic notes: Have been taking a small break from "Shadow", mainly because I can only be prolific in sharp bursts, and partially because I'd like to let Giles sleep a little bit longer. And in the meantime I've been dibbling out a little AU post-series fic involving Ethan Rayne,... because I can. As some of you know explicitly, and no doubt the rest of my readers have figured out on their own, "Shadow" is bound to end with Elisabeth going back to her own dimension; but I have a whole "alternate-alternate universe" story arc going where she winds up wholly integrated in the Sunnydale dimension, which I probably will only write snippets of here and there because it just goes on forever. Most of the action in my AAU takes place in Oxford, because if I'm going to write a Mary Sue I'm bloody well going to send her to Oxford and make her (eventually) a don. Because I can.

Life notes: Am about ready to pull an Elisabeth at this point -- just pack a backpack and head off for parts unknown. That is all. Except I'm afraid of ending up on a Hellmouth. Though how that could be worse than this is difficult to see at the moment. Ah well: ten days and a bucket of progesterone hence I may be singing a different tune. I know...can I move to Canada?

Oh! and I almost forgot:

Genealogy notes: Per a bit of news from my brother that we have a hidden Jewish heritage, I went to the library and looked up my grandfather on RootsWeb. I did not find any Jewish heritage. Instead, I traced my paternal line back to 1524 and Yorkshire, England. So much for that: but I discovered in that line, born in 1584, a Robert, a.k.a. "Robin the Bold". I thought this was very amusing, and a fair tradeoff for not being Jewish. And, of course, I can exploit it for my fic; it makes a great name for Elisabeth's stake.

I think that's all.


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