Ink & Penwipers

Scribbles, screeds, speculations, and the occasional reference to Schrodinger's cat.

13 December 2002

I'm excited.

Lisa and I are planning to revamp my old website and make it into a real authors' forum. She has some poetry that is specifically designed for the internet; and I have some new ideas for essays.

I had an idea last night during my insomniac tossings and turnings: Speech-Act Theory and Liturgy. I've purchased a copy of the Book of Common Prayer, and studying it has started all sorts of chain reactions in the chemistry of my brain. So perhaps soon I will have a few essays to put on my new website.

We're hoping to launch in a couple of weeks, so the Christmas season will be a season of preparation for another reason. Did I say I'm excited?

I'm off to do Christmas cards. Ta-ta!


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