Ink & Penwipers

Scribbles, screeds, speculations, and the occasional reference to Schrodinger's cat.

20 December 2003

Holiday Notes

To Temple Israel last night with Jessica for the Shabbat Hanukkah celebration. Good food, many people (for once); and Jessica had an extra hanukkiyah, so I had my very own lights at the table. There's something so right about the lighting of candles both for grief and celebration, especially if there are many candles, many small flames brightly dancing in a room. I hadn't realized how varied menorahs can be; I toured the room looking at them all -- a menorah shaped like a row of Brooklyn Hasids, a menorah shaped like a spidery sculpture complete with brass and silver leaves over the base, a menorah shaped like a tree, a menorah with a reflecting dish that looked like cloisonne, with the decorative legend, "Jerusalem".

When it came time to repair to the sanctuary for the service, my candles were nearly burnt out. I wanted to watch them burn to the bitter end, but we had to go in. Jessica said, "You're supposed to let them burn down. Except if you have to leave and don't want to create a fire hazard, because, letting the house catch on fire?"

"Not a mitzvah," I finished.

"Using your brain," she said, "is always a mitzvah."

This was amusing to us.

In other news, have received my stocking package and Christmas money from my family, including the traditional white cat. It's very cute, and soft. Thanks Mom.

Have also been holed up in my room with a vaporizer, trying to soothe my lungs, which are unhappy for some reason, burning and aching. May wind up going to the clinic after all.

Have finished my paltry Christmas shopping, and have now to do cards.

And, last but not least, have been working steadily on Chapter 24 of "Shadow." It's been difficult because I have lots of groundwork to lay for the denouement.

And speaking of denouements, I must off to have my bath.


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