Ink & Penwipers

Scribbles, screeds, speculations, and the occasional reference to Schrodinger's cat.

29 April 2003

Un Tour de...Quelque Chose...

Today's Accomplishments

1. Took a bath.
2. Checked my email.
3. Popped in the disk to open Chapter 12.
4. Opened Chapter 12.
5. Read Chapter 12.
6. Sighed deeply.
7. Closed Chapter 12 without writing anything.
8. Decided to eat lunch.
9. Ate a few handfuls of BIG Cheezits and a chocolate truffle instead.
10. Lay down.
11. Dreamed some stuff about my fic.
12. Fell asleep, dreamed crazy Freudian dream about driving a locomotive through a tunnel that was too small and not being able to back out because there was another train behind me, but that ended up working out okay.
13. Got up and piddled online while Jessica was at school teaching.
14. Listened to music.
15. Dug out my flute and piccolo and played for an hour.
16. Listened to music again.
17. Went out and had Mexican with Jessica.
18. Came back here and piddled online.

Real big day, huh.

In other news, last night's Manchild was a "tour-de...something" as Jessica said. Actually, what she said was that Roger Allam's performance as the Manchildren's old schoolfriend Dirty Dixon was a tour-de-something. So over dinner we basically wrote a paper about class issues, public school oligarchy, and British cultural criticism in Manchild. Decided that the only way to have an American version of Manchild, with its old-money/new-money male-to-male tensions, would be to have it with jocks. Further decided that this statement is as good a crystallization of American/British cultural criticism as one is likely to find. Agreed fervently that given a choice between the two (and only between the two), the British Manchildren win hands down in terms of sex appeal; for all their "pathetic patheticness," they're infinitely more cuddly than the 50-something denizens of the American Sports Bar. Of course, it doesn't hurt that two of them are played by Nigel Havers and Tony Head.

I'm just saying.


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