Ink & Penwipers

Scribbles, screeds, speculations, and the occasional reference to Schrodinger's cat.

28 August 2002

I had another tornado dream last night. Two coworkers and I were walking together down a road toward our respective houses, and we could see the countryside, which was very pretty with the yellow and green fields and the light spilling through dark storm clouds (lest you think Oklahoma has a boring geography). We were observing nature, and we duly observed that there appeared to be three large tornadoes swirling together on the horizon, growing bigger, which means they are approaching you. As we watched, the three became seven big tornadoes (am I thinking I should call Joseph in on this one?) and were coming closer. So we all rushed to our homes and I cowered under a table, only to find when the storm had passed over, that there were only a number of pillars, not tornadoes, outside my window.

The thing about my tornado dreams is that they don't scare me. It's more excitement than anything, so tornadoes don't appear to mean Bad Things to me when I dream about them. Of course, the Freudian interpretation is that I'm really dreaming about sex, but I don't buy it. If I'm dreaming about sex I'd rather do it directly; but tornado dreams have more cool scenery anyway, so I suppose I shouldn't knock it if it works.


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