Ink & Penwipers

Scribbles, screeds, speculations, and the occasional reference to Schrodinger's cat.

20 August 2002

I've been saving up a lot to say, so I'll tell you a few things about me and first rumination!

I was a writer before I could read. When people asked me what I liked to do for fun, I always said lamely that I liked to read books. It never occurred to me to say that I liked to write. As Scout Finch says, "One does not love breathing." This is no proof of talent, but with or without talent, I write. Sometimes I even put it on paper.

I'm a synaesthete of the cognitive variety. My numbers, letters, and calendar names have always had their own colors whenever I think about them or see them in print. Some cognitive synaesthetes project the colors onto the black-and-white symbols they're actually looking at, but I don't do that; however, I do tend to sort names of people, places, and things by the color they start with. It's one of the many reasons I dislike my name: "L" is a sickly sort of yellow, and one of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis, unfortunately has a name composed of several garish yellows and reds. I didn't discover there was a name for this until about a year ago, and did the almost-proverbial Google search on the subject -- IMO the subject is interesting even if you aren't synaesthetic yourself, especially if you're into mind science. I can't help giving my characters names with colors I like, partly because I never can truly dislike any of my characters no matter how badly they behave -- unlike authors like John Grisham, who dislikes every single one of his characters...but I'm not doing a rant today. Really.

I write for the Drama Team at Liberty Church, my church here in Tulsa. My church is oriented toward contemporary worship, which really stinks if the worshipers aren't seeking God's face, but is very powerful if they are. The goal has been to make the arts a natural and vibrant part of worship at Liberty, and the Drama Team's mission in particular is to help make the day's message as relevant to the observers as possible. I'm very excited about this movement, and even though I'm moving away, I'm still planning to help create scripts for Liberty from afar. It's that initiative thing again -- I find when I get involved and get my hands dirty, I get blessed and I even am a blessing!

The rumination is coming....


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